Monday 20 December 2021 at 8.45 pm

The Vediamoci Chiaro Committee of Imola, which since 2015 has been interested in investigating the environmental and health impacts of the Tre Monti landfill, and which won both the TAR and the Council of State in relation to the raising of the third lot, organized for December 20 at 8.45 pm an online update meeting.

GISDay 2021 – University of Padova
Aula Magna – Agripolis 17 November 2021
With Dr. Filippo Tonion – Terra srl

NOVEMBER 9, 2021

Auditorium Hall, Via Roma 5 – Gorizia

From experimental monitoring for the evaluation of the quality of the Soča River
good practices in the conversion of agricultural areas into natural environments
Marco Abordi – Filippo Tonion

The Italian seaside ecological transition.
Business value and business continuity.
Reform possible?

Wednesday, September 13, 2021
11.30 – 12.30
Speaker Dr. Marco Abordi, TERRA Srl

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Climate adaptation plans
Natura 2000 sites

Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Speaker Dr. Marco Abordi, TERRA Srl

September 18, 2021 – 9 am
Participate dr. Marco Abordi, TERRA Srl

"ASITA 2021 Conference"

Friday 16 July 2021 - Session 1
“From Remote Data to Applications: Challenges of the technology transfer”

Among the speakers: Dr. Filippo Tonion – Terra S.R.L.
Artificial Intelligence for a multi-temporal classification of fluvial geomorphic units of the river Isonzo: a comparison of different techniques

Read program

Rescue Farmer – Focus Bet
“The legal tools for citizens and communities in the face of projects to establish industrial parks for the production of energy”

Tuesday 6 July at 7 pm

Among the speakers: Dr. Marco Stevanin – Terra S.R.L.

View Facebook event

Satellite derived bathymetry

Organized by The Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC) with kind contribution of SHOM

Webinar -30 June 2021, 13.30 CEST

Among the speakers: Dr. Filippo Tonion – Terra S.R.L.

GEI Economic Observatory

Webinar – Monday 28 June, 10 am-1pm

Evento formativo
Progetto Eco-Smart
“L’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici attraverso la protezione dei servizi ecosistemici”

Mercoledì 16 Giugno ore 15-17 Google Meet

Among the speakers: Dr. Marco Abordi – Terra S.R.L.
“How to build an adaptation plan”

Download the program

Episode 19 – Highways and Vado power station

Speaker: Dott. Marco Stevanin – Terra S.R.L.

Guarda la puntata

Wednesdays of A.C.A.R.O.
Cycle of animation events
Speakers: Dr. Marco Abordi – Terra S.R.L.

May – June 2021 10 am
Download the program

Footprint of Biodistricts
Speaker: Dr. Marco Abordi – Terra S.R.L.

7 May 2021 2.30pm – 4pm

The Italian organic districts:
experiences compared

19 March 2021 9.30am – 12pm

Mega Biodigester in Valdaso
Local communities and rules to be respected

12 March 2021 at 8.30 pm

Waste cycle, Biodigestori Let’s be clear!

Friday 5 March 2021 at 9.15 pm